Publishers play a vital role in the world of affiliate marketing. Without Publishers there wouldn’t be affiliate marketing – they’re the people who put the Advertiser’s products in-front of the in-market consumers. In the same way that Advertisers are essential to the Publishers; the two in the channel cannot exist without each other.
But there are a variety of different Publisher ‘types’ and they connect with consumers in different ways, and each can play a different role for the Advertiser. Many of them have their own unique audiences that you wouldn’t be able to target without utilising that specific Publisher. Some of them have even completely changed the way people shop online, and established themselves as the central component in consumer’s shopping journey.
In this course, we’re going to look at the the role Publishers play, and then define how to work with different types of Publisher, establishing important things that you need to take into consideration. Obviously, every different Publisher has their nuances, and they’re developing their sites and offerings all of the time, so if you ever want the latest Media Pack from a specific Publisher, or an up-to-date understanding of the best way to work with them then please talk to your Account Manager, or the Webgains Publisher Team.