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Everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, all in one place.
Everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, all in one place.
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An affiliate programme is a framework whereby merchant advertisers with online stores connect with affiliate websites or, as we call them, publishers.
The publishers promote the advertiser’s products on their website and include referral links to the advertiser’s store where a product can be purchased. Publishers earn commission on the sales they help generate. This is typically paid to the publisher by the advertiser as a percentage of the total sale amount.
The first step is to get in touch with our team so we can get you started. You can do this by using our contact form, or by filling in our ‘Start a Programme’ form. Once we are in touch with you and have some initial details, our team will be able to recommend the most suitable service level for your company and get you signed up.
With multiple service levels available, Webgains is accessible to advertisers of any size.
Unlike with other affiliate networks, where advertisers typically pay a monthly fee plus override (a % of commission paid to publishers), Webgains has only a single charge. This is a monthly minimum fee that differs for all service levels.
This payment structure minimises risk for our clients as they only pay override when the override amount is higher than the monthly minimum.
Ultimately, the costs of running an affiliate programme with Webgains are likely to prove immaterial in relation to the extra revenue generated. As it is purely performance based, no channel can match affiliates when it comes to ROI.
For more information about our monthly minimum fees and service levels, please contact us here or email
An affiliate marketing campaign requires three parties to work together to achieve more sales.
These are:
The Merchant – The merchant is the brand that develops a product or service. The merchant will enlist the help of a network, such as Webgains, to help put them in touch with a range of publishers.
The Network – The network helps the merchant to find publishers who create content to share with their audience to help sell the merchants products.
The Publisher – Once the network finds publishers, they will create a range of content, such as videos, blogs, and product reviews including a special affiliate link. Once a customer buys a product through this link, they’ll earn a commission on the sale.
The Customer – The customer will consume the content created by the publisher, and once a purchase is made the publisher and network will share a portion of the final sale price.
The advantages of the affiliate channel are numerous. Here are just a few of the main ones:
Low risk and high ROI – Apart from modest set up fees, advertisers only pay publishers a commission when they receive a sale. This means they pay based on performance. For this reason, the return on investment is very clear.
Control over costs – Advertisers are in control over the costs and incentives. And, as affiliate marketing is performance based, this allows flexibility and room for experimentation when planning campaigns and budgeting.
Strong brand exposure – Publishers are constantly finding innovative ways of promoting advertisers. It’s not only about how innovative these methods are but also how diverse they can be. Boost your reputation and broaden your audience by working with a variety of publishers. Partnering with these publishers will expand your brand into new markets and grant you the opportunity to raise your online presence.
You can find out more about the benefits of affiliate marketing by downloading our free Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing here.
Most publishers will often run their own websites with captive audiences in a certain specialist subject, such as clothing, sporting goods and CBD products.
Affiliates will create a range of content designed to capture the attention of their audiences which feature the merchant’s products, and generate a commission from the final sale price.
You might find your affiliates create content on:
● Social media.
● Digital advertising.
● Podcasts.
● Blog posts.
● Videos.
● Apps.
● Email marketing.
Once one of your products is sold through the affiliate, the revenue generated will be shared between you, the network and the affiliate.
With most marketing and advertising campaigns it can be tough to determine ROI. However, the performance model of affiliate marketing is built for profitability. Businesses aren’t paying for clicks or impressions, but rather the completed sale of a product.
This trackability, low cost of entry and performance are a few of the biggest reasons that businesses of all sizes are turning towards affiliate marketing to target highly targeted audiences.
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Webgains Limited
Webgains Ltd
The Quorum
Bond Street
Tel: +44 (0)20 7509 6393
Part of ad pepper media International N.V.
Company Number 05353649
VAT number: : GB 854046625